Logical Feminism: anything that has anything at all to do with power abuse and exploitation is wrong.
I say ‘anything at all’ in order to highlight the fact that power abuse, exploitation and its maintenance often go unnoticed and, as in the case of those who support the sex industry, for example, regardless of good intentions, functions under the proverbial umbrella of ‘free’ choice, rather than the reality of coerced choice which results in no real choice at all. (Stay tuned for a post about Sex Workers Rights Advocacy and Sex Trade Abolitionism.) [1]
In order for logical feminism to effect any long-lasting change
as opposed to being merely an untenable utopia, we need to become aware of our positioning in the patriarchal hierarchy of privilege[2] and be self-reflexive as to the toxicity we have internalized. When discussing his abusive father, transman Thomas Page McBee says that men need to “have the courage to look at the injustice within themselves to join the fight for something better.”[3] As radical feminist Robert Jensen stated after he had done the work to look at the injustice within himself: “I was socialized in patriarchy into a toxic masculinity that not only subordinates women but also crippled my own capacity to be fully human.”[4] Because we live in system of exploitation and predation—and as a male system, men do have the most hard work to do[5]—such revolutionary work is not only about men: it’s about all of us and everything.
Technically, I am what is called a ‘radical’ feminist,
a feminist that runs the risk of being TERFED and SWERFED[6] (more on that later). The Logical Feminist is me, Karen Moe. I am a writer, author, artist, feminist and revolutionary. I am the author of Victim: A Feminist Manifesto from a Fierce Survivor (Vigilance Press, 2022). During the writing and research for my book, I found it not only interesting, but also ironic, that the wholistic fight (read: a struggle that exists beyond liberating only the self and continuing to play into the ideology of individualism) to end a culture of violence is deemed radical. However, through feminist Sayak Valencia, I have since found out that ‘radical,’ in its etymological sense, is a return to the root of things.[7] When we dig into it, such a commitment is, indeed, logical—especially when confronting and resisting a system that has spun into a state of ideological and literal warfare against marginalized peoples, other species and the earth globally. We need to start over: re-think, re-act and re-make what doesn’t have to be this way. What is needed is an ideological revolution that prioritizes resistance and justice for all that can be achieved through a politic of empathy: feeling and living beyond the self. We can ground our new radical roots in this.
It should go without saying that any feminism that has anything at all to do with patriarchy (except to overthrow it) is not feminism.
Believe it or not, there is a so-called feminism called ‘neo-liberal feminism,’ what Valencia calls ‘free-market feminism.’ A movement that proclaims empowerment within that which oppresses is what I call fraudulent feminism (I will be writing a piece about this soon). I know some of you may not like this (and that’s ok because the Logical Feminist strives to be controversial and stir up perceived truths in order to work towards something better), the #MeToo movement—fun as it was in terms of seeing so many powerful men go down after decades of impunity—is included in the oxymoron of self-proclaimed feminists striving to achieve power in a man’s world and reperpetuating a system of power abuse. #MeToo doesn’t and didn’t go far enough and, as such, feeds into maintaining that which is responsible for the sexual assaults and power abuse in the first place: a system of impunity for powerful men. Women striving to become equal to men within his system and proclaiming themselves feminists is what Valencia calls “the most ferocious type of neoliberalism” because it insidiously sustains what it claims to be against. As radical feminist activist Julie Bindel says: “Feminists should not be seeking an equal place at the table but rather to smash the table to smithereens.”[8] This is the goal of this blog: the Logical Feminist is straight up, no holds barred, logic: we will break the bars that hold us in our exploitable passivity.
Feminism is a revolutionary movement that began with the liberation of women
in the male defined system of patriarchy; therefore, the purpose of feminism has always been to resist and challenge the exploitation that this male defined system of hierarchy guarantees. In Bindel’s words: “the authentic meaning and goal of feminism is the liberation of women from male supremacy.”[9] The feminist revolution began with and is based on the liberation of women, and our foremothers made great strides in the fight to overthrow male supremacy. This fact cannot be disrespected or denied. And, unfortunately, it is.
The voice of women (read: cisgender/biologically born women) cannot be silenced at the same time as we cannot deny the voices of all marginalized groups in a culture that thrives on marginalization. We must not devolve (under the banner of evolution) into a hierarchy of a prioritization of voices. Everything and everyone that and who is exploited in patriarchy (and we must add the now neo-liberal hyper-individualist and consumerist global forces that are all a product of patriarchy on even more steroids [10]) is feminized, be they women, children, transpeople, animals, the earth and men through the oppression of race and class.
I am what is called today an intersectional feminist. However, when I came to my feminism in the 90s, we didn’t have a name for it. For me, my feminism has always been grounded in the fact that everything is connected. As Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones agrees, “everything flows together.”[11] I would add that everything should be flowing together in order to have a healthy and sustainable world but, as one of the most basic factors, the ideology of individualism and hyper-consumerism (patriarchal constructs and unfortunate realities) keeps us separated from one another, other species and the earth. A patriarchal mantra of ‘divide and conquer’ verges on cliché for a reason.
I am a big picture thinker, writer and scholar. I believe in research and dialogue.
Like everything I write and all of the art I create, this blog will be steeped in research and I welcome all forms of dialogue in response to what will be controversial entries that are meant to dislodge and contribute to an ideological revolution which is our only hope in creating a world without violence. I pledge to you, dear reader and revolutionary, that I will be unrelentingly fierce in living up to my own words of “not accepting what doesn’t have to be true.”[12]
Karen Moe/aka The Logical Feminist.
There is no revolution without context: aka Research, Dialogue, and Endnotes! #iloveendnotes
[1] As one of the most prominent examples is the controversy between the idea of free choice to enter the sex industry and coerced choice for ending up there. For discussions of the logical facts that the majority of the time people work in the sex industry because of combinations of economic, race, drug addiction, sexual abuse, sex and gender, see Rachel Moran, Lydia Cacho, Victor Malarek, Finona Broadfoot, Julie Bindel, Simon Häggström, Melissa Farley, myself and countless others, along with the directors of many sexual assault centres I spoke with across Canada during my Trauma & Triumph tour for Victim who expressed the sensitivity of this issue, but fundamentally agreed that there is no choice when one is coerced by marginalization and, in Judith Butler’s words, precarity.
[2] I do not say “white supremacist” patriarchal hierarchy because there are male supremacist cultures like Iran and China where the male perpetrators are not Caucasian. In the colonized contexts of Europe, however, I am referring to white supremacist patriarchal hierarchy. Patriarchy is a predatory system that functions through extreme violence. In Iran, such predation is out in the open and we only need to think of the recent murder of Mahsa Amini on September 16th, 2022 for not obeying the Muslim symbol of female submission as a horrific example of extreme masculine violence wielded in order to maintain power; in the West, the violence to maintain power is more insidious and takes place primarily in the enclaves of the so-called third world, be they outside of the national borders of the first world of the exploiters, or within (we can take Vancouver Canada’s Downtown Eastside and the horrors of post-residential school cycles of sexual violence in particularly remote First Nations communities in Canada (out of sight out of mind) as an examples of third worlds within the first.
[3] Thomas Page McBee. Amateur: A True Story about What Makes a Man. New York: Scribner, 2018: 44.
[4] Robert Jensen The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men. Melbourne: Spinifex Press, 2017: 71.
[5] During my Trauma & Triumph Tours in the US and Canada for Victim, I connected with sexual violence centres across North America. During our conversations, it was exhilarating to learn that many of the centres are creating initiatives (as much as funding allows, which is always an issue when a culture does not prioritize dealing with the causes of sexual violence, or even enough to the effects) directed towards young men, the potential perpetrators who are often dual: Victim/perpetrators.
[6] TERF: Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. SWERF: Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
[7] Sayak Valencia Gore Capitalism. South Pasadena, CA: semiotext(e) intervention series 24, 2018: 273.
[8] Julie Bindel Feminism for Women: the Real Route to Liberation. Great Britain: Constable, 2021: 80.
[9] Ibid: 26.
[10] See Sayak Valenica in Gore Capitalism for an in depth analysis of what she calls “the devastating system of hyper consumerist, gore capitalism” (266) and in particular the dynamic between the third world exploited and the first world exploiter.
[11] Interview with Elder Bill Jones June 10th, 2022. My next book will be about the colonizing and colonized consciousness. The working title is Re-Indigenize: The Revolution of Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones. Within the current politically correct confines of Western culture, I will state here that, as a white woman and a descendant of the colonizing culture in Canada, Elder Bill has given me permission to base my book on the story of his life and revolution, so accuse me of cultural appropriation all you want! Ironically, it’s usually other descendents of the colonizing culture (read: white people) who are the most vitriolically politically correct.
[12] Karen Moe Victim: A Feminist Manifesto from a Fierce Survivor. BC Canada/Mexico City: Vigilance Press, 2022: 153.